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Thumrin Thana Hotel Trang

69/8 Huayyod Road,Tambol Tubtiang.Amphur Muang.Trang,Thailand,92000
Good, 6.5
414 Review(s)
You can book with our partner.

About Thumrin Thana Hotel Trang

Thumrin Thana Hotel Trang

Thumrin Thana Hotel, home of travelers located in the heart of the city of Trang. Well-equipped amenities which provides you the most comfortable atmosphere for relaxation. Come and be excited with spectacular events all year round. The only place that lets you experience the truly authentic Trang through the colourful scenes of culture and traditions.

Attractions or Hotels nearby Thumrin Thana Hotel Trang

  • Thumrin Thana Hotel Trang Distance <2 km
  • Thumrin Hotel Trang Distance <2 km
  • Trang Plaza Hotel Distance 3 km
  • Rua Rasada Budget Hotel Distance 4 km
  • Rua Rasada Hotel Trang Distance 4 km
  • Rua Rasada Hotel Trang Distance 4 km

Hotels nearby Thumrin Thana Hotel Trang

Real reviews from real guests


the lobby is great but there's a lot of dust in the room.

/ Tue,Jun 18, 2019


Very Nice Hotel

This hotel, albeit outside of town, has huge rooms and loads of services such as restaurants, massage (excellent), bars, etc. Service is superb. Only problem is its location. This is easily overcome by use of the motorcycle taxis around the corner or the tuk tuks across the street.

/ Tue,Jun 18, 2019


the best hotel in town

a bit 'far from city center

/ Tue,Jun 18, 2019


Hotel mitten im Zentrum

Schönes Hotel mit grossen Zimmern und Bad. Ergiebiges Frühstücksbuffet. Jap. Restaurant im Hause (sehr günstig und gut). Gedecktes Aussenrestaurant beim Eingang mit Life Musik. Disco-Bar. Ein guter Platz zum verweilen.

/ Tue,Jun 18, 2019


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